Pearl of the Indian Ocean

  Ceylon tea comes from Republic of Sri Lanka, formerly known as Ceylon, a green and pleasantly sunny island in the tropics, just 4 degrees north of the Equator, and 35 km off the south-eastern tip of India. It is a moderately sized island of 65,610sq. km; ascending from sea level to approx. 2400 meters and has been blessed by nature resulting in a diverse array of climates and scenery.

When the island made the final transition from independence in 1948 to being a sovereign Republic in the commonwealth in 1972, the traditional name of Sri Lanka was again adopted as the state’s official title. Sri Lankans take pride in their distinctive cultural heritage, which has its source in the advanced civilization, which flourished over two thousand five years ago. Sri Lanka, today is a highly progressive, multiracial, multi religious, multilingual nation of about 19 million people.